
Beurdeley is one of the greatest French cabinet makers’ dynasties in the 19th century. The founder was Jean Beurdeley (1772-1853), a Parisian craftsman during the Napoleon era. He opened a shop on Rue Saint Honoré where he sold quality furniture and pieces from great craftsmen he had bought or had on consignment. He was succeeded in 1840 by his son Louis-Alfred-Auguste (1808-1882) and the company moved to Hanover Pavilion rue Louis-Legrand, a place purchased earlier by his father. He added paintings to his furniture and artifacts trade, as well as a furniture restoration workshop, which considerably developed his company. Inspired by 18th century, he specialized in creating classical style furniture, working for the Bourgeoisie and for the Emperor and his court. He was succeeded by his son Alfred-Emmanuel-Louis in 1875. He managed to keep the reputation of Maison Beurdeley by creating only luxury furniture he copied from the Garde-Meuble de la Couronne (Crown’s furniture). The shop closed in 1895 when Alfred Beurdeley retired.