rebuilding France
From January 06, 2023 to February 19, 20233
Faithful to their desire to represent those who shaped the era , Aurelien Jeauneau and Jérémy Pradier defend Marcel Gascoin today.
From the status of pre-war decorator to that of avant-garde leader, Marcel Gascoin (1907-1986) embodied the French style from 1945 to 1955.
From the Trèfle stool of 1949 to the order placed by the Crous de Versailles in 1955, Marcel Gascoin designs robust, minimal and functional wooden furniture.
From January 06, 2023, we will be able to discover at the Pradier-Jeauneau gallery: in addition to the pieces mentioned, a very rare oak sideboard with sliding door in French walnut, a work table on metal legs with a gunmetal patina, a series of wall shelves in blond oak...
For his chic, his iconic pieces that seduce collectors, and above all for his essential place in the history of design, Marcel Gascoin is a must in the same way as Perriand or Prouvé. To buy Gascoin in 2022 is to tell and transmit the destiny of a France in full renewal at the heart of one of its darkest pages.
What is the common denominator between Pierre Guariche, Pierre Paulin or Michel Mortier? They all went to Marcel Gascoin, a brilliant professor at the Arts Déco in Paris! The master transmitted to this whole generation of young designers the taste for the straight line. Each form will thus respond to a function. and everything will be geared towards modernity. Born in Le Havre in 1907, Marcel Gascoin is the father of standard furniture in France, theorizing for example the depths-heights of storage furniture to optimize modern living.
The Pradier-Jeauneau gallery specializes in French signatures from 1940 to the present day. Exhibiting Gascoin is first of all having him dialogue with other artists, and creating a game of resonances between different modernities. Aurélien and Jérémy enjoy imagining discussions between Marcel Gascoin and Philippe Starck, Pierre Guariche and Nestor Perkal, René Gabriel and JC de Castelbajac, or even Ionna Vautrin and Pierre Paulin.
Rebuild France
From January 06, 2023 to February 19, 2023
96 rue des Rosiers
93400 Saint Ouen
Alley 6 - Stands 93 & 95
Jeremy Pradier +33(0)659 421 143
Aurelien Jeauneau +33(0)650 696 389